Tuesday 11 December 2012

Mortgage Audit Online: Mortgage Audits for Businesses

Mortgage Securitization is a process in which a lender (generally a bank) pools mortgages and sells them to investors, that is, gets paid for the loans it gave to the borrower and longer runs the risk of running a loss if the borrower fails to pay back. In the past decade most mortgages in the US were securitized. However this did not stop lenders from forcing foreclosures on the properties of borrowers when some of them failed to pay their mortgage. This is illegal, as after securitization, firstly the lender has been paid for the mortgage and secondly the mortgage no longer belongs to the original lender; it now belongs to the investors that bought it.

Securitization Audits are quintessential to know if the borrower's mortgage has been securitized or not. Forced foreclosures on securitized mortgages have led to some people being literally thrown-out on the streets and their houses taken away from them illegally. Needless to say, such occurrences of dishonesty also harm the business of sincere houses.

Mortgage Audits Online (MAO) is a Business-to-Business service provider, which for the past five years, has been devoted to helping consumer-advocates, fraud investigators and by providing in-depth research analyses using modern tools to provide decisive results for their respective needs. Amongst its services, MAO carries out Securitization Analysis to ascertain whether your financing deal was legitimate and tracks whether your mortgage was securitized. MAO also helps you expose inaccuracies, deliberate or otherwise, and miscalculations in your loan(s), which helps foreclosure defense, principal amount reduction or even fraud defense. MAO also prepares voluntary lien, which contains each and every detail of a piece of property including any ownership transfers, mortgages, releases, foreclosure related notices, and trustee's sales records. Such technically demanding and time consuming jobs are carried out at MAO by a panel of auditors with more than 25 years of experience in private accounting, banking, real-estate and underwriting.

MAO helps by being sensitive to the needs of your customer. For the past half a decade, it has grown by satisfying its affiliates by offering the best price and meeting deadlines, no matter how big or complicated the task.